

Here's to Risotto. A dish that I have learned takes time, patience, and love. I've made the mistake all too often of starting this at 5:00pm only to hit 7:00pm, with cranky children not willing to even glance at the food. I have made this dish or others like it for those I love. It is beyond worth it to me. However, there is one person I have refused to make it for. A person that up until this last year I did not feel deserved the same amount of love that I gave everyone else. A person that could easily live off breadcrumbs, leftover mac and cheese from the children, or meals that were had standing at a counter. Myself. Don't get me wrong, I have always been the person to make meals for my family, and I too would take part. But when life changes and you find yourself with a quiet home at meal times, it seems more of a hassle to prepare, cook and clean a really nice meal just for yourself. 

This year has taught me that I do deserve to shower myself with that same love I freely give to those around me. Today I took myself to Trader Joe's just for a bouquet of flowers. This part is not abnormal. I have always wanted to show the kids since they were young that you do not need to wait for someone to buy you flowers. You get up and pick the most beautiful flowers because you like them and it makes you happy. After my flower adventure I got the rest of my ingredients for the dinner. 

As usual, the dinner took time, patience, and a bunch of solo dancing in the kitchen. (I know you are picturing it, yes I shake my butt a lot) Then I got to sit down and fully enjoy a quiet meal while looking at some really beautiful flowers. Let's face it, if I had made this meal for the kids there would have been yelling, fake gagging, and threats of vomiting on my bed later. So really this was the best way to enjoy Risotto.  


Rosey said…
This post made me cry!😥 I love you and support you on this journey...and I wouldn't fake gag at your risotto.
Katie said…
❤️ Let's have a risotto party!

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